HTTPX Handler


Speak HTTP to other computers you may or may not control….


handlerMust be HTTPX
listenerDefault :80
static_dirDirectory to host static files from
payload_dirDirectory to import payloads from

WIP configs that are not fully implemented

tls_domainsComma seperated list of domains
acme_stagingBoolean. Shortcut to use
acme_directory_urlOverride URL
autocert_accept_tosBoolean. Do you accept the CAs TOS?

Additional Information

Things are still being created, documented, and fine-tuned.

New Features

  • Let’s Encrypt Auto Cert
  • Exfil data saver

Legacy Functionality to be implemented.

  • robots.txt
  • unfurly
  • arbitrary json
    • b64
  • redirect
    • b64
  • basic auth
  • breakfastbot
  • allow origin *

Legacy functionality that isnt specific to a handler

  • alert pattern with payload
  • alert pattern (alert patterns are part of notifiers, maybe we need to expose alert patterns based on handler type)
  • slack hook (this is now a notifier)
Last modified February 27, 2025: watch (#7) (1df7d63)