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Use AWS Credentials Stored in KeePassXC

How to setup and use AWS credentials stored in KeePassXC


    • KeePassXC
    • aws-cli
    • secret-tool

    Add a new group to KeePassXC

    This will be used so we can control what secrets get exposed to the Secret Service.

    1. Right-Click the Root folder group
    2. Select New Group
    3. Give it a Name
    4. Click OK

    Enable Secret Service Integration

    Open KeePassXC Settings.

    1. Select Secret Service from the left hand side (it may be cut off).
    2. Check the Enable KeePassXC Secret Service Integration.
    3. Click the pencil next to your kbdx file.

    Expose group to secret service

    1. Select Secret Service on the left hand side.
    2. Select Expose entries under this group.
    3. Select the group we created earlier.
    4. Click OK

    Add Secrets to KeePassXC

    Create some JSON with your AWS Credentials

        "Version": 1,
        "AccessKeyId": "AKIA-REPLACE-ME",
        "SecretAccessKey": "REPLACE ME"
    1. Select your group
    2. Click the Create New Entry icon
    3. Set the Title something meaningful
    4. Paste your JSON in the password field
    5. Click OK

    Configure AWS CLI to use custom program

    Edit your ~/.aws.config

    [profile default]
    region = us-east-2
    credential_process=secret-tool lookup Title "aws-creds"

    Test it out!

    Running the AWS CLI should now trigger a KeePassXC prompt.

    aws s3 ls